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601 10th Street, Victoria

There is no phone

at the

Thrift Shop.

For information about the

Gift Shop or the Thrift Shop,

call the

St. Fidelis Parish Office,

601 10th Street




503 Main Street, Victoria


We are closed during noon hour Monday-Thursday

Monday           8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday           8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Wednesday     8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Thursday         8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Friday               8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon


Monday           10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday           10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Wednesday     10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Thursday         10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday               10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Saturday          10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Basilica of St. Fidelis Rosaries * St. Fidelis Cookbooks

Die Herzoger * Other Rosaries * Statues

St. Fidelis Church History Books * and Much More

Clothes * Toys * Household Items * Jewelry

Furniture * Kitchen Items * Books

Games * and Much More


Items listed below may be purchased at the St. Fidelis Gift Shop at 601 10th Street (the Parish Office) or by sending a check for the proper amount made payable to "The Basilica of St. Fidelis" and mailing it to:


The Basilica of St. Fidelis |  601 10th Street  |  Victoria, Kansas 67671


**Please indicate in your order where you want us to mail your item(s).


The Basilica of St. Fidelis also welcomes donations to the Repair Fund of the church.

(Click on a thumbnail picture for a larger view of an item.)

The Basilica Rosaries produced by Ghirelli of Italy have arrived.

The medals and cross on the rosaries are symbols of The Basilica of St. Fidelis.

  • The Crucifix is a replica of the cross above the tabernacle in the Basilica of St. Fidelis with a replica of the Volga German settlers statue sculpted by Pete Felten of Hays, Kansas, attached at the bottom.

  • The first Our Father medal shows the crossed arm symbol representing the Capuchin Franciscans who have served our parish since it was established. The other side is a picture of St. Fidelis, our patron saint.

  • The second Our Father medal is a replica of the Basilica's high altar; on the back are the words "Victoria, KS, Nov. 1908 to June 1911" which are the dates of the beginning and completion of the building of the Basilica.

  • The centerpiece is a replica of the front of the Basilica. On the back are the symbols of a minor basilica--the umbrella and bell.

  • The other four Our Father medals are replicas of the four side altars in the basilica--The Sorrowful Mother (Pieta), Saint Joseph, Sacred Heart, and Blessed Mother. On the back of two are the words "Pray for us"; on the back of the other two are the words "Betet fur uns" (pray for us in German).

Light Brown Rectangular Wood Rosary Beads


Rosary Dark Brown Oval Wood Beads


Rosary 6mm Faceted Clear Glass Beads
Rosary 6mm Faceted Blue Glass Beads
Rosary 7mm Borealis Clear Glass Beads
Rosary 7mm Borealis Blue Glass Beads

Light Brown Rectangular Wood Beads - 
[Cost: $55.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $60.00.]


Dark Brown Oval Wood Beads - 
[Cost: $55.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $60.00.]


6mm Faceted Clear Glass Beads - 
[Cost: $60.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $65.00.]

6mm Faceted Blue Glass Beads - 
[Cost: $60.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $65.00.]

7mm Borealis Clear Glass Beads - 
[Cost: $60.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $65.00.]

7mm Borealis Blue Glass Beads - 
[Cost: $60.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $65.00.]

Large Basilica of St. Fidelis Rosary Case

Basilica of St. Fidelis Rosary Case large - This is a black case with a zipper. There is room for a Basilica rosary and a small pamphlet on how to say a rosary. It measures approximately 4.5" x 3.5". 
[Cost: $6.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

OTAL: $12.00.]

small Basilica of St. Fidelis Rosary Case

Basilica of St. Fidelis Rosary Case small - This is a black case with a zipper. The Basilica rosary fits in it. It measures approximately 2.75" x 2.75". 
[Cost: $5.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $10.00.]

SharingOurBest-4 inch.jpg

Sharing Our Best Cookbook (2001) - This cookbook is a Collectors Edition and contains over 500 pages of more than 1,300 recipes of Volga-German, Russian, German and other ethnic recipes, German Prayers, and helpful hints. The cookbook commemorates the 125th Anniversary of the arrival of the Volga Germans. The size is 8-1/2" x 11".
[Cost: $25.00 + $8.00 postage and handling;

OTAL: $33.00.]

History Booklet - 4 inch.jpg

Cathedral of the Plains History Booklet - A history and pictorial guide of The Basilica of St. Fidelis Church. 33 pages, 7" x 8-1/2".

[Cost: $5.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $10.00]

Towers Recipes-4 inch.jpg

Towers of Heavenly Recipes (1996) - This cookbook is a 278-page collection of Volga-German, Russian, German, and other ethnic recipes, German Prayers, and helpful hints from the membership of St. Fidelis Parish and adjunct parishes first published in 1996. The size is 8-1/2" x 11".
[Cost: $20.00 + $8.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $28.00.]

History with Pictures - 4 inch.jpg

Basilica of St. Fidelis History Booklet  - An expanded history and pictorial guide of The Basilica of St. Fidelis Church. The history pages are mostly the same as the "Cathedral of the Plains History Booklet", but this booklet also includes photographs of all of the statues, stained glass windows, and Stations of the Cross that are in the Basilica. 80 pages, 7" x 8-1/2".
[Cost: $10.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;

TOTAL: $15.00]

Daily Prayers-4 inch.jpg

Daily Prayers - A large print Prayer Book with 58 pages, 5-1/2" x 8-1/2".
[Cost: $5.00 + $5.00 postage and handling;
TOTAL: $10.00]

Die Herzoger-4 inch.jpg

Die Herzoger - A book of the family trees of parishioners of The Basilica of St. Fidelis, Victoria; St. Ann Church, Walker; St. Boniface Church, Vincent; Sacred Heart Church, Emmeram; and Holy Cross Church, Pfeifer. The book was originally compiled by Frank J. Windholz in 1979. It has now been updated with the most current information and is being updated on a daily basis as information is provided to the Parish Office. The page size is 8.5" x 11".
[Cost $40.00 + $10.00 postage and handling; TOTAL: $50.00;


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