The First Basilica in Kansas and the
78th in the United States.
Safe Environment Program

Safe Environment Training for Volunteers
All those, age 18 years and older, who minister to or alongside children and/or to vulnerable adults are to be educated about the nature of abuse, how it is perpetrated, how to report it, and strategies for prevention. The Diocese of Salina currently uses a program called CMG Connect, a web-based online training program (along with an integrated background check) that specializes in helping churches, schools and religious organizations create safe environments for children and youth.
BEFORE beginning any ministry with children and vulnerable adults in your parish or school, you must have Safe Environment Training and it must be current (taken within the last 5 years).
For more information, and to get instructions how to log into CMG Connect, please contact Safety Coordinator: Jeanette Brungardt for the tri-parishes of St. Fidelis, St. Ann and St. Boniface.
Jeanette Brungardt E-mail: Fidelisyouth@ruraltel.net Office: 785-735-2777
Safe Environment Training for Children
The children’s K-12 Religious Education Safe Environment program consists of age appropriate lessons built upon the Church’s teaching that “the human body shares in the dignity of the image of God” (CCC 364). That dignity leads us to foster in every person the belief and awareness that as a person of God they are deserving of love and respect. Because dignity is a gift given by God at birth, abuse of all kinds is harmful to that dignity.
Children being among the most vulnerable require us to protect that dignity.
The Diocese of Salina has asked that each catechist spend time with their class on an annual basis reviewing ways your child can protect themselves, what healthy boundaries look like and encouraging safety measures as well as actions that can be taken to keep one another safe. This will look differently for each grade level as the subjects discussed are focused on the age of the child, maturity and what areas most affect them. For example, in 1st grade the catechist may discuss “emergency plans” and who is a “safe keeper” in their life. The 7th grade class will focus on: how they can be smart and protect themselves on the internet – identifying trusted adults in their lives – the importance of good mental health and when to seek help, etc.
Parental or guardian response is required for your child’s participation. You may respond using the online Safe Environment Consent Form. This consent form is listed below under resources. (It is also located on the Religious Ed K - 12 classes page.) Please complete, print and bring with you to enrollment for Religious Education.
Dear parents,
For grades 1 - 5 our catechists use Kid Smartz, to teach and implement the Safe Environment training. The videos shown by the catechists and the curriculum can be viewed here, by clicking on either of the below pictures/links:
For more information from our diocesan Safe Environment Office, please visit: https://salinadiocese.org/office/safe-environment/