The First Basilica in Kansas and the
78th in the United States.
Pastor: Fr. Jim Moster, OFM Cap.
email: james.moster@capuchins.org
Andrea Schmidtberger
email: fidelis@ruraltel.net
Secretary/Publications Manager:
Lydia Sander
email: sftech@ruraltel.net
Catholic Faith Education Office:
Jeanette Brungardt
R.E. Coordinator/Youth Minister
email: fidelisyouth@ruraltel.net
Sacramental Records:
Peggy Fitzpatrick
email: sfreled@ruraltel.net
Housekeeping/Sacristan: Darlene Dreiling
Cemetery Groundskeeper: Wilmer Dinkel Jr.
Maintenance: Mark Kuhn
Organists: Kathy Dreiling-Amrein
Lou Ann Hammersmith
Choir Director: Kathy Dreiling-Amrein
St. Fidelis Pastoral Council
Jeff Kisner (Chair)
Daren Lang (Vice-Chair)
Angie Roth (Secretary)
Rose Ann Dreiling
Bertha R. Brungardt
Rosie Kreutzer
Michael Younger
Curt Kuhn
Diane Gross
St. Fidelis Finance Council
Harland Rupp
Frank Dreiling
Marilyn Braun
Charlotte Schulte
Brady Dinkel
St. Boniface Pastoral Council
Fred Tholen
Curt Wellbrock
Kathy Huser
St. Ann Pastoral Council
Bill Robben
Van Froelich
Wendelin Schoendaller, Jr